Jill Bluff

CBT-T Practitioner

At SYEDA, I deliver CBT-T. This is a 10-session programme of cognitive behavioural therapy designed for people experiencing bingeing and/or purging. I help clients discover why they are bingeing/purging and teach them strategies for preventing these behaviours long term. We also work on issues around specific foods and learn techniques to improve body image. It is very much a practical ‘doing therapy’ involving behavioural change.

Before joining SYEDA in 2020, I spent three years as a volunteer be-friender and Trustee of my local MIND. I am delighted to be part of the SYEDA team, with people who are passionate about delivering effective therapies. I have a First Class Honours degree in Psychology, a Masters degree in psychology and am currently studying for a post-graduate diploma in CBT.

Outside work, I am never happier than when I’m outdoors. I don’t even need sunshine! I just pull on my wellies and off I go!